You have to go through this set to the end πŸ˜‰

It almost becomes a cliche for this saying — “It’s not about the destination, but the journey that matters.” Repeatedly, i found myself affirming to myself about that in my career and life. I always asked my couples if there are any places that means somethings to them that they would like to include in their photoshoot sessions.

Some times, couples might not have preference because they would like to explore new places with a fusion of my artistic perspectives. At times, there are indeed some locations mean something to some couples. And so i listened to them and tried to facilitate this — ‘memory capsule’ thing, you know. I was not even sure if some suggested locations by them are worth a shot or not. But i choose to have faith. After all, my couples entrusted me to be a part of their journey. It’s pretty fair for me to have faith in them, in the process of making memories together. In this set, i got some shots right outside a industrial workplace that Peck & Caleb spent lots of time and effort in their entrepreneurship.

It’s about making the leap forward in the journey, and enjoy the process. πŸ™‚

– Kai

Inspired by them, and here i feel like sharing some simple words: That day, we found these fallen tree trunks blocking our path in the woods. We took a break. We sat down, wipe off our sweats, and had chats. We stood back up, got over the hurdle, and continued our journey. Life is never a smooth flat journey. It’s all the ups and downs, and imperfections, that make our teamwork more honorable. Honor, because there is so much that i look up to you, so much that i want to learn from you, and so much that i want to spend the rest of my life together with you to find out. It’s my honor, my love.

Photographer: Kai